Day4: Bali Trip - Indonesia (3July 2010) Part 1
Hey guys, how ur's life? =)
Since Today a bit free so fully utilize my time to organize the pics of Bali Trip Day 4... ^^V
Afterward will more on my Part-Time Model shooting and Wedding Shooting... so stay tune guys... ;)
Alright Day 4, as usual having our breakfast @ the resort, guess what... today going to play WATER SPORT!!!... hehe...So our driver bring us to the Bali Marine Sport, and play water sport, like FLYING FISH, PARASILING, BANANA BOAT, JET SKI.
What I know when we pay the fee for those water activities, all are Million Million one... We become Millionaire... muahaha.. :PFLYING FISH
Bali Fly FishFly Fish by riding a flat rubber boat which is pulled by a speed boat. It flies to dash against the wind sweeping that it real fly on the seawater. It is a great adventure by flying like fish jumping on the seawater with high boat speed.BANANA BOAT
Bali Banana BoatGathering Banana Boat ride is the most enjoyable experience. It thrills for all and feels like kids ride over the ocean with blue seawater and big long soft marshmallow. It is a fantastic group game on the seawater which bring you to the exciting experience on your vacation in Bali. You may see complete page about Banana Boat.
Thanks gal,
Yeah.. BALI is BEAUTIFUL especially the PADI, HIGH HILL, Beach... is a nice place go there for RELAX enjoying OUT OF CITY LIFE STYLE... you should go the ;)
Stay TUNE!!! Day4 Part II will be more about SCENERY ;)
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