28 May 2010 - Sepang Gold Coast not only the beach but is another view of it
Today feel like want go beach and see sunset, so asking my friends wanna join with me for shooting?
So I depart from my house around 3PM then start heading to Sepang Gold Coast, on the way to the destination we spent around 2hr plus reached there, cause went for long way plus a little losing track...kekeke >.<
It seem cloudy and gonna rain soon... afraid reached there can't see beautiful sunset, but thanks god, we really saw the RED ORANGE egg yolk sunset... so happy to saw it and exciting =)

So our next destination heading to Dong Zen temple, cause today is Wesak day so thought can go there to shot the celebration. When reached there and found that .... why the temple seem... shouldn't be.... impossible lah... today is Wesak Day wor..., then go ask the guard: "bro, what happen? why the temple closed, today is Wesak Day should got activities one." then the guard told us:"The activities was ended yesterday night, normally without activities open from 9AM till 6PM only". Then we disappointed leaving there and back to PJ for our dinner. A bit so unlucky can't go there to shot the activities... >.<
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